Dominion Kingdom

And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.

Our Pastors

Welcome to Dominion Kingdom Ministries Church of God. We are a family of people committed to following Jesus Christ.

We worship Him with joy and honour. We welcome people of all cultural and racial backgrounds to be a part of our worship and service to the Lord.

As you browse through our website, I trust you will get a greater sense of our passion and love for God and His Word.

We aim to glorify Him through developing the faith of the believers and spreading the Good News of the gospel to our community and world.

A warm welcome awaits you….at Dominion Kingdom Ministries “everybody is a somebody”.



tel. 905-720-3777 | fax. 905-728-3777 | email: [email protected]